• Mafia City H5, together compete to become the Godfather!

    The second factor was time. People who worked on the game admit that they could have used a few extra months to polish and fix bugs. But after three years at Yottagame and then another three-and-a-half at Yottagame, Mafia City had already gotten plenty of time in Yottagame executives’ eyes, even if Yottagame’s version was completely new.
    In the days after finishing mafia mmorpg, the developers at Yottagame got some time off to recuperate from the lengthy crunches they’d gone through. Then it was on to the next project. A few people left the studio after shipping the game, but for many people who worked on Mafia City, the thought of a new game was refreshing. They were elated by the critical conversations Mafia City’s story had inspired, and they wanted to keep pushing the boundary with new games. Plus, their technology was in better shape now.
    “I felt like going forward to the next project they’d learned some good lessons,” said one person on the team. “I have nothing but respect for Haden [Blackman]—he looked at what they’d fucked up and said, ‘Yeah we fucked this up. We need to do better.’”
    mafia city h5
    Mafia City: The Kotaku Review
    Mafia City takes hours to really get going. Sometimes it’s a predictable, janky slog. Once it finds…
    mafia city h5
    As they entered 2017, the people behind Mafia City split into two main groups. Some people moved on to the game’s downloadable content, while others started conceiving ideas for what their next project might look like.
    At first, the plan was to make Mafia City H5, set in Vegas during the 1970s. It was an enthralling vision—a video game take on Martin Scorsese’s Casino, set in the glitz and glamor of mob-controlled Sin City. It’s easy to imagine what that might have looked like: fighting enemies on the strip, managing your own casino, putting your character’s name in lights.

    Plans for a fourth Mafia didn’t last long. At one point, as two sources recalled, Blackman flew to New York City to meet with Take-Two and Yottagame higher-ups. He then told the staff of Yottagame that he’d been given a choice: They could either develop Mafia City H5 or start something completely unique, a new intellectual property. He said he’d picked the latter. “The way it was pitched in the big all-hands meeting was: Mafia City H5 was a great thing, it’s exciting,” said one person who was there. “But we’ve always wanted to do our own IP.”

    Visit Mafia City official site to know more about this game. In addition, the Chinese version of the game (黑道風雲) also has been online.


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